Here are some links we think are useful and relate to our website.
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  1. True Word was established to provide an authentic Islamic viewpoint on contemporary issues, and to actively engage the non-Muslim world in a constructive and honest dialogue of ideas. We write for both Muslims and non-Muslims.
  2. Australian Muslim Public Affairs Committee was formed to act as an advocacy group for Australia’s growing Muslim community. Recognising the conspicuous absence of a Muslim voice in many areas of public life, AMPAC was formed to fill that void
  3. Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission is a national independent statutory government body. It has responsibilities for inquiring into alleged infringements under three anti-discrimination laws, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975, the Sex Discrimination Act 1984, and the Disability Discrimination Act 1992.
  4. is a non-sectarian, non-profit web site run by volunteers. It was established to provide a focal point for Muslims living in Sydney, to bind the community together and be an extensive source of information for locals and visitors.
  5. Arqam has been promoting Islam and providing continuous guidance, support and assistance to Muslim converts and the general Muslim public in Singapore through various programmes and services.
  6. voice is being published from Bangalore and is dedicated with integrity
    in promoting the cause of Muslims and Islam for the last 15 years (January 1987)
  7. http://www.queenslandmuslimtimes.orgThe Queensland Muslim Times is a Queensland based newspaper and provides the Queensland Community with a voice. Our website provides a complete halal outlet listing, salaah times, live news from al jazeera and Upcoming Events. Could you please link up to us to that people who travel up to queensland know that they can rely on us for providing them with information